Palju õnne, Pärtel!
Ega ma siin pikalt heietama ega tagasi vaatama hakka.
Esimene eluaasta on olnud päris raske, oleme püüdnud Pärtli-suguse püsimatu rahmeldisega kuidagi kohaneda. Aga nüüd, kui jalad juba all ja hambad suus, on elu lausa ilus. Nüüd saab rahus tegeleda oma meelistegevustega: jooksmise ja söömisega. Nüüd on põhiliselt naer ja vaimustus.
Mõned pildid tänasest tähtsast, perekondlikult veedetud päevast.
Some pictures on today.
The Morning.
Ohoo, kingitus!!! Minu esimene auto!
Oh, a gift! My first car!
Nüüd uuritakse seda juba kahekesi.
Now they are both trying to figure it out.
Tort. Kui õige näksiks juba pisut...?
The Birthday Cake. What if I try just a little bit...?
Suur õde tuleb appi küünalt puhuma.
The Big Sister comes to help.
Riinu seab end piduseks.
Riinu dresses up.
In a Cafe.
laupäev, 29. märts 2008
neljapäev, 27. märts 2008
teisipäev, 25. märts 2008
Pajamas party at our place
Riinu has a friend Marta, about the same age as Riinu, but she is from an American-Estonian mixed family. As a matter of fact, Pärtel has a friend named Anna, about his age, who is Marta's sister. And Marta's mother Epp is my friend. So we meet quite a lot.
Some time ago Marta's mom got suddenly really sick and since Marta's father happened to be on the other side of the world, some fast help was needed from the supporting network in Tartu. So, for the girls' great pleasure, we decided that it is was best if Marta stayed overnight at our place.
The evening went well, the girls played princesses and cinderellas and that kind of girly stuff with the accompanying jumpy walk (Have they been watching Fashion TV? - Definitely not Riinu:))
They were very curious about the sleeping arrangement. In one bed? In separate beds? We placed a big soft mattress next to Riinu's bed and made Marta comfortable there. Since sleeping over seemed the most exciting part of the stay, they were happily ready to go to bed earlier than I had expected. I had imagined having to chase them down and convince into getting their wash, but the lure of sleeping and talking in dark must have been more attractive for them.
After the bedtime-story I had them stay in Marta's wide bed for a while and chat silently, since Pärtel (a very light sleeper) was asleep in the next room. That proved more difficult. After about half an hour of whispers, not-so-whispers and rather loud giggling and after putting Pärtel back to sleep twice it was time for good-night. And the good girls didn't resist! After some more whispering and giggling they fell sound asleep, before it was 10 p.m (which, I suppose, is early for Marta and usual for Riinu).
Riinu and I had just been reading the story of Winnie Pooh and Piglet having the Best Friends Spend the Night Together (free translation), so Riinu said that it was their Best Friends' Overnight Stay, just like in the Pooh-book! She really liked the comparison.
pühapäev, 23. märts 2008
Riinu ja kadunud tiigrike
See on nii hea lugu, et pean selle mõlemas keeles kirjutama.
Aasta tagasi sai Riinu Ameerika jõuluvanalt ühe tiigrikese, kellest sai kohemaid Riinu lemmik. Tiigrike on meiega igal poole käinud ja kõiksugu asju teinud. Vahel käib lasteaias, vahel mängutoas kaasas. Vahel sööb koos meiega, vahel vaatab, kuidas Riinu peseb. Riinu mängib temaga kindlalt iga päev.
Aga paar nädalat tagasi avastasime, et tiigrike on kadunud. Otsisime igalt poolt, eriti mina. Kuna Riinule meeldib oma asju ja mänguloomi kottidesse toppida, uurisin läbi kõik majas olevad kotid. Ei midagi. Koristasin, tegin justkui suurpuhastust. Siis ütles Riinu, et tiigrike läks Rootsi. Ja et ta tuleb jänkupühadeks tagasi. Seda juttu rääkis ta veendunult tükk aega. Mõni päev enne lihavõtteid tundsin koorma raskust - mis siis saab, kui me ei leiagi tiigrikest? Kui ta ei tulegi jänkupühadeks koju?
Paar päeva enne lihavõtteid ütles Riinu, et tiigrike ei tulegi, et ta jääbki Rootsi. Päriseks. Mul võttis täitsa kõhedaks. Ja kurvaks. Ja vastutundekoorem rõhus rinda. Mart arvas, et eks see on üks elu õppetund talle - et vahel lähevadki asjad kaotsi.
Ma ei tahtnud siiski veel alla anda. Katsusin meelde tuletada kõik kohad, kus me viimase kolme nädala jooksul käinud olime. Märtsi algul olime ühe öö Otepääl - seal oli tiigrike meil igatahes kaasa. Helistasin siis hotelli, saatsin neile pildi ja nad leidsidki tiigrikese üles! Olin nii rõõmus, et pisarad hakkasid voolama.
Õhtul enne lihavõttereedet jõudiski tiigrike koju. Nii et jänkupühadeks tagasi. Jätsime Riinule tema versiooni - et tiigrike oli Rootsis. Ehkki ta küll väga imestab, kuidas see tiigrike ikka sealt tagasi tuli? Kas ta päris ise tuli? Aga kuidas? ja millega? Terve õhtu kallistas Riinu oma tiigrikest ja naeris vabanenud naeru. Just, tema hääles oli kogunisti pingelangus. Minulgi tulid taas pisarad silma.
Ma mõtlen, et eks see maailm on ühe 3-aastase jaoks üks keeruline koht - ei tea ju veel, kuidas asjad käivad siin maailmas. Igatahes ei lase ta nüüd tiigrikest silmist.
Aasta tagasi sai Riinu Ameerika jõuluvanalt ühe tiigrikese, kellest sai kohemaid Riinu lemmik. Tiigrike on meiega igal poole käinud ja kõiksugu asju teinud. Vahel käib lasteaias, vahel mängutoas kaasas. Vahel sööb koos meiega, vahel vaatab, kuidas Riinu peseb. Riinu mängib temaga kindlalt iga päev.
Aga paar nädalat tagasi avastasime, et tiigrike on kadunud. Otsisime igalt poolt, eriti mina. Kuna Riinule meeldib oma asju ja mänguloomi kottidesse toppida, uurisin läbi kõik majas olevad kotid. Ei midagi. Koristasin, tegin justkui suurpuhastust. Siis ütles Riinu, et tiigrike läks Rootsi. Ja et ta tuleb jänkupühadeks tagasi. Seda juttu rääkis ta veendunult tükk aega. Mõni päev enne lihavõtteid tundsin koorma raskust - mis siis saab, kui me ei leiagi tiigrikest? Kui ta ei tulegi jänkupühadeks koju?
Paar päeva enne lihavõtteid ütles Riinu, et tiigrike ei tulegi, et ta jääbki Rootsi. Päriseks. Mul võttis täitsa kõhedaks. Ja kurvaks. Ja vastutundekoorem rõhus rinda. Mart arvas, et eks see on üks elu õppetund talle - et vahel lähevadki asjad kaotsi.
Ma ei tahtnud siiski veel alla anda. Katsusin meelde tuletada kõik kohad, kus me viimase kolme nädala jooksul käinud olime. Märtsi algul olime ühe öö Otepääl - seal oli tiigrike meil igatahes kaasa. Helistasin siis hotelli, saatsin neile pildi ja nad leidsidki tiigrikese üles! Olin nii rõõmus, et pisarad hakkasid voolama.
Õhtul enne lihavõttereedet jõudiski tiigrike koju. Nii et jänkupühadeks tagasi. Jätsime Riinule tema versiooni - et tiigrike oli Rootsis. Ehkki ta küll väga imestab, kuidas see tiigrike ikka sealt tagasi tuli? Kas ta päris ise tuli? Aga kuidas? ja millega? Terve õhtu kallistas Riinu oma tiigrikest ja naeris vabanenud naeru. Just, tema hääles oli kogunisti pingelangus. Minulgi tulid taas pisarad silma.
Ma mõtlen, et eks see maailm on ühe 3-aastase jaoks üks keeruline koht - ei tea ju veel, kuidas asjad käivad siin maailmas. Igatahes ei lase ta nüüd tiigrikest silmist.
Riinu and the Missing Tiger
A year ago Riinu got a little Tiger for Christmas, from the US Santa. It immediately came her very favourite. The Tiger has been everywhere with us. It often eats with us and watches Riinu take a bath. It comes to playgrounds and travels. Riinu says that she loves all her animals, but the Little Tiger is just the best.
A couple of weeks ago the Tiger went missing.
We could not remember what had happened to it. I thought that Riinu had put it in one of her bags (her favourite game - put things in bags). But no. I thought that it would eventually turn out. But no. I searched. Then Riinu said that the Tiger went to Sweden, for a travel. And it will be back by Easter. She repeated in every day - it will come home for Easter. Then, 2 days before Easter Friday, she said: "The Tiger is not coming back. It will stay in Sweden". I got really sad.
And felt an enormous burden of responsibility - could we have it home for Easter? But where is it????
Mart said that it can be her lesson of life - that sometimes things go missing. Even very dear things (or persons).
I couldn't give up that easily. I started to remember all the places we had been to during the last 3 weeks. In the beginning of March we had been in a hotel in Otepää (about 40 min from Tartu) and the tiger was definitely there with us. So I called the hotel and sent them the picture. And there it was! I was so relieved that tears came.
So, the night before Easter Friday the Tiger came home. We had Riinu have her story - that the tiger was in Sweden and now came back. Riinu just laughed, sort of a relaxing laugh, all night. She was also very surprised - how did get back? Did it come by bus or by plane? But how?
I'm not sure what she really thinks. Things must be complicated for a 3-year-old who does not yet know about the functioning of the world...
A couple of weeks ago the Tiger went missing.
We could not remember what had happened to it. I thought that Riinu had put it in one of her bags (her favourite game - put things in bags). But no. I thought that it would eventually turn out. But no. I searched. Then Riinu said that the Tiger went to Sweden, for a travel. And it will be back by Easter. She repeated in every day - it will come home for Easter. Then, 2 days before Easter Friday, she said: "The Tiger is not coming back. It will stay in Sweden". I got really sad.
And felt an enormous burden of responsibility - could we have it home for Easter? But where is it????
Mart said that it can be her lesson of life - that sometimes things go missing. Even very dear things (or persons).
I couldn't give up that easily. I started to remember all the places we had been to during the last 3 weeks. In the beginning of March we had been in a hotel in Otepää (about 40 min from Tartu) and the tiger was definitely there with us. So I called the hotel and sent them the picture. And there it was! I was so relieved that tears came.
So, the night before Easter Friday the Tiger came home. We had Riinu have her story - that the tiger was in Sweden and now came back. Riinu just laughed, sort of a relaxing laugh, all night. She was also very surprised - how did get back? Did it come by bus or by plane? But how?
I'm not sure what she really thinks. Things must be complicated for a 3-year-old who does not yet know about the functioning of the world...
I am trying to start a blog about our children and our life. The posts will be mostly in Estonian, but some in English, too. At least you can enjoy the pictures!
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