Alles see oli, kui lund tuli nii, et hullumaja. 27. märtsil vist. Vähem kui 7 kuud tagasi!
Ja nüüd on lund nii palju, nagu ma pole vähemalt siin korteris elades iial näinud.
Õue saime alles õhtul, nii et pildid on pimedad. Kuna Pärtlil on nohu, jäi tema tuppa.
It was merely less than 7 months ago when we had lat heavy snowfall - March 27th?
And now we have so much snow that it is even more amazing than in March. The weather people say that it is the biggest amount of snowfall in such a short time period in recorded weather history. Since it has been accompanied with heavy storm winds, we didn't get outside before dark today. Pärtel is a bit sick, so he stayed inside.
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