No aga lõuna paiku, kui olime juba lootust kaotamas, tuli äkki päike välja ja me otsustasime, et sellise sündmuse puhul võib lõunauni vabalt vahele jääda, ehkki ma lootsin, et pärtel jääb magama bussis või kärus, mida muidugi ei juhtunud. Igatahes pakkisime ruttu asjad ja sõistime 15 min kaugusele Kotori, UNESCO linna. Kaunis, teistmoodi, mõnusam, suurem. Paadid, iidne tänavaterägastikega, arvuakte kasside, turistide ja akna taga kuivavate kombineedega vanalinn.

Sõime jälle jäätist, jalutasime, hängisime ja tšillisime.

Tagasiteel magas Päretl umbe 5 min iluund ja oli jälle reibas nagu ennegi. Perast naastes käisime veel siinsel ainasal 10 m pikkusel rannaribal, kus polnud otsest vettekukkumise ohtu. MIna ujumas ja teised kividega mängimas. Lastel on endiselt nohu.

Homme läheme tagasi Horvaatiasse, Lopudi saarele. See on koht, kus me oleme varem olnud ja kus me teame head liivaranda. Sest meie praeguse vanuselise koosseisuga on siin autode vahel lihtsalt liiga närvesööv olla. Tollel saarel aga pole üldse autosid, neid sinna lihtsalt ei lubata! Aga internetti ka ilmselt pole, nii et päevasündmusi ma enam kajastama ei hakka. Eks siis saab uue ülevaate, kui tagasi oleme!
We are staying in Perast, Montenegro, which is a small town on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, Bay of Kotor (Boka). The town is so small that there is not much to do with small children. There is only one street right next to the seafront, no sidewalks and it's a real task to handle the kids among the traffic and next to the sea.
We have made short trips to neighbouring small towns which are much more child-friendly. We have eaten lots of ice-creams!
Yesterday night and morning until late lunchtime was constant thunderstorms and heavy rains and we were really worried about our vacation, since we were trapped in a small apartment with no electricity either. But luckily the sun came out in the afternoon and we had a nice hot evening.
Today is sunny, too, and we are leaving to go back to Croatia, to a little island that we know, where we have been before and know it's a child-friendly place with a huge sand beach and with no cars!
2 kommentaari:
..can you write a bit in English.
I would love to understand some of it.
Thank you..
Thank you Helen.
Croatia is a country on my "to visit" list.
It sounds like a better situation for the children.
Enjoy the warmth , winter will be here soon enough.
Your Gelato or Ice cream photo looks much like the one on my last blog post.
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