The way to the beach.
Tee meie randa.
Apparently I don't have the time to write everything about the journey in 2 languages...
So I'll be short and just try and get something written.
We spent the whole week on the island of Hvar, where we rented a studio-apartment on the seaside street with excellent views to the sea and all the traffic there. The pictures illustrating the place are in the Estonian post a few posts ago :)
We took it really easy and slow, since it's not that easy with two small children , especially Pärtel, who is a crazy-crazy man and needs constant stimulation and hates driving (unless he can drive).
So we just walked to the beach (pebble beach) and back. We made meals and ate ice-cream. We watched the boats and ships of all kinds. We climbed o the cliffs until all bloody: ) (Well, just Pärtel, but all he wanted to do was climb-climb-climb and run-run-run). Being Pärtel is not at all easy. It's living on an edge, constantly. So every day he would occasionally drive all others crazy, too, if he didn't get enough sleep and was whining and whining...
But I think all in all, he too enjoyed this trip!
Climbing on the cliffs.
(I had to hold Pärtel's hand at all times, because it was actually rather dangerous and could only make photos when I was sure he would sit still for the next 10 seconds...)
Kaljudel ronimas. Laste meelistegevus.
(Kuna ma pidin kogu aeg Pärtli käest kinni hoidma, sest see oli kaunis ohtlik seal, siis sain pilte teha vaid hetkel, kui ma sain kindel olla, et ta vähenalt 10 sekundit paigal istub...)
The water was actually quite cold. I went swimming all days, Riinu went the first days and Pärtel and Mart did not go at all. I got sun-burnt, the rest of the family only turned a little bit more brownish. But compared to Estonia, it was a true summer! Exactly what we needed and what we looked for.
Our beach, located some 400 meters away from our apartment.
Meie rand, mis asus meie korterist umbes 400 m kaugusel.
Pärtel polnud eriline rannainimene. Võib-olla oli rand liiga kivine ja tal oli valus (ehkki tal olid spets rannakingad jalas). ja vesi oli külm ja päike kuum. Igatahes meeldis talle hoopis ringi jalutada. Nii me siis kõndisimegi päris palju.
Although she was really content with almost anything and is a super-kid, she especially enjoyed climbing, too.
Ja siin on väike leplik Riinu, kellega on nii kerge reisida, sest ta on peaaegu alati kõigega nõus ega virise üldse. Siiski meeldis ka talle üle kõige kaljudel ronida.
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